October 3, 2024, 11:58 pm

Design dictionary

Here is a homemade lexicon crafted with love by the Meaningful team.

Design dictionary

[ Branding ]

Brand from Old English brand (burning, a burning piece of wood, torch, sword) initially used to indelibly mark items such as furniture and pottery.


Branding encompasses all the tangible or intangible factors that allow a company, a product or a service to distinguish itself and be remembered. Elements such as mission, scope of action, values or personality are fundamental to branding, all of which contribute to the brand platform. Beyond verbal or visual representations, brand identity can also translate through other senses like smell or sound, etc. 

Branding comprises everything from communication and advertising to the product and services themselves. Often, branding depends on a set of recurring elements, such as a logo, signature, color palette, typography, style of photography or video, which sets the tone for targeted customers.  

At Meaningful, we create digital products and services with branding in mind. Uncovering and telling a brand’s story is pivotal to our process. For each project (and especially for digital products), we focus on creating an original visual language that conveys the brand values and purpose.

Useful quote

"Design is the silent ambassador of your brand."
Paul Rand

Project example


a new visual language to improve brand experience

with Somfy

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