October 2, 2024, 12:58 am

Design dictionary

Here is a homemade lexicon crafted with love by the Meaningful team.

Design dictionary

[ UX/UI design ]

UX is the acronym for User Experience, which appeared in the 1990s and was popularized in the 2000s by Donald Norman. UI is the English acronym for User Interface.


In digital product design, UX refers to "user-experience design" while on the other hand, UI refers to "user interface" design, meaning the design of visual aspect of a digital product. These two disciplines may be carried out by designers with specialized profiles: ux designers (and sometimes researchers) for UX, graphic designers for the ui part. 

At Meaningful, we consider ourselves experience designers in the broadest sense. Designing a service or a product means taking into account the physical and digital aspects beyond the screen, and beyond the typical skillset. Thus, each designer is responsible for a project and its creative vision, handling all dimensions of experience design, from user research to graphic design. This is why we generally avoid to separate UX and UI in our digital design practice. We believe an experience can only be conceived in its entirety by tapping into its business, human and creative dimensions.

Useful quote

“Design isn’t crafting a beautiful, textured button with breathtaking animation. It’s figuring out if there’s a way to get rid of the button altogether.”
Edward Tufte

Project example


a new visual language to improve brand experience

with Somfy

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