October 2, 2024, 8:56 am

Design dictionary

Here is a homemade lexicon crafted with love by the Meaningful team.

Design dictionary

[ Innovation by Design  ]

Innovation (act of introducing something new) originated from the latin innovatio (renewal)  and Design from latin designare (to mark, to draw, to indicate)


From a detailed understanding of usage, needs, and technology, innovation by design consists of proposing solutions that make sense from a social and economic point of view. Innovation does not derive from technology but rather, from a particular vision of the market or society. 

It is often said that innovation is successful when it is supported by the people it addresses. Otherwise, it is considered an invention. The innovation by design approach allows us to envision the future and to identify the technology needed. We visualize the process with a concrete representation of the potential products, processes, or systems.

At Meaningful, we consider all facets of a problem through the technical, economic, societal, and behavioral lens. Afterwards, we pinpoint opportunities, which can include new needs, markets and products. We thus formalize an initial concept and prototype the ideas to determine its appeal, viability and feasibility.

Useful quote

"Design doesn’t produce only one solution, but rather, several. It incites debate, proposes alternatives and offers original definitions in our lives and future lifestyle." 
Anne Asensio, Industrial Designer

Project example


a business innovation program

with Saint-Gobain

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