October 3, 2024, 4:36 am

Design dictionary

Here is a homemade lexicon crafted with love by the Meaningful team.

Design dictionary

[ Design Thinking  ]

Design originally stems from latin designare (to mark, to draw, to indicate) and Thinking (the process of reasoning)


The term “Design thinking” is quite popular. It is often used to designate an innovation methodology, which ranges from empathic immersion to implementation of a solution through prototyping and testing. In reality, the term design thinking refers more broadly to all the processes, approaches and methods used by designers. Design thinking also extends to engineers, architects, urban planners and graphic designers to create new concepts or systems. The outcome includes but is not limited to graphic identity, spaces, products and services.

At Meaningful, we see design thinking as a precise innovation methodology that allows us to seamlessly coordinate the skills and phases necessary for project success. It is based on the fundamental design principles used by designers: competence and multidisciplinary for business/technology/users, prototyping and testing for rapid iterations, creative confidence... 

Useful quote

"Design is not merely a craft-based skill but should be considered a knowledge-based discipline in its own right, with rigorous methodology and research principles incorporated into the design process."
Bruce Archer

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