a re-humanised convention center visitor experience
with Lille Grand Palais

Lille Grand Palais, the city's convention center, asked us to rethink its spaces and furnishings, overhaul its signage and consolidate its services offers.
How can we improve the visitor experience at every stage of their visit?
By approaching Lille Grand Palais as a district connected to the city, with its activity zones and thoroughfares, we have rethought the visitor experience and co-designed various services: Welcome App, Business Lounge, Concierge Service, Media Lab.
With Gilles Belley, we redesigned the lobby, commissions rooms and bathrooms.
With Travaux Pratiques, we wrote the new toponomy, then designed and managed the production of the new signage.
sign panels
commissions rooms
- service design
- experience design
- space design
- signage design
- product design

Welcome area and kiosk in the lobby

Commissions rooms

Recording studio
